Oil and Filter Change

We at Integrity Automotive Repair Inc want you to know that oil is the life blood of your engine. It is the only thing that stands between your engine running for hundreds of thousands of miles and the utter self-destruction of the engine. All the parts that make an engine run actually “float” on a layer of oil. When the layer of oil breaks down, so does the engine.


Maintaining the safety of your vehicle is of the utmost importance to Integrity Automotive Repair Inc. When your car doesn’t start, generally there is not a safety issue related to the situation. When your vehicle doesn’t stop, it’s a safety issue for everyone in Springfield that we take seriously. Therefore, during our digital inspections, we will provide you with photographs and measurements of your brakes at every stage of wear from brand new to the time for replacing them. We not only want you safe, we want you informed.


Integrity Automotive Repair Inc wants you to know that your tires keep you on the road in all weather conditions and speeds. Realize that only a small part of each tire actually is doing all the work of keeping your ride on the road as you drive around Springfield, so it is critical that your tires are maintained properly for maximum safety and longevity.

Hours Of Operation

Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed

Payment Methods

CashCheckDebitVisaMastercardAmerican ExpressDiscover

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1420 Klobdenz Ave, Springfield, OH 45504-4457

(937) 327-9425